Third Codicil to Thomas Cubitts will of 1855

Third Codicil to Thomas Cubitts will of 1855

NOTE – This has been transcribed by OCR and then by manual correction. This may not be an exact copy. You should carefully check the text against the original as there may well be errors from this method.

Pg 10 (of the collated PDF bundle) 3rd Codicil to Thomas Cubitt’s Will 2/12/1855

This is a Codicil (being the third) to the will of me Thomas
Cubitt of Denbies near Dorking Surrey Esquire. Whereas I
intend to give my son in law Edgar Alfred Bowring
for his our use and benefit the House in Claphams Park, Clapham
Surrey which I have lately erected as a residence for line and residence
my daughter Sophia and which with the outbuildings gardens
and appurtenances I hold under an agreement for a lease entered
into with the late William Atkins Bowyer Esquire and I have given
instructions for the preparation of a lease of the said premises to

the said Edgar Alfred Bowring from the Tustees of the will of the said
William Atkins Bowyer for all my term and interest therein at
the yearly rent of Twenty pounds payable as from Michaelmas
last now I hereby, direct my Executors and Trustees in case such
Lease should not be granted and completed before my death

to cause and procure the same to be granted to the said Edgar
Alfred Bowring his Excutors administrators and assignees as soon
After my death as may be convenient.
And whereas I
hold under the said agreement for a lease (amongst other
premises) a piece of ground in Clapham Park
aforesaid situate[d]
between the House of my Nephew Andrew Cuthell and the
House now occupied by Mr. West
part of which ground is now occupied
by my said nephew and the other part is used as Nursery grounds
Now I hereby, direct my Executors and Trustees at the end of five
years from the time of my death to cause and procure a
Lease the said ground to be granted by the Trustees of the said
Williams Atkins Bowyer to the said Andrew Cuthell his Executors
Administrators and assignees for his and their own use and

Benefit for all the residue of my term therein under [illegible]



Page 11 (of the collated PDF bundle) 3rd Codicil to Thomas Cubitt’s Will 2/12/1855

agreement at the yearly rent of Five pounds and in
the mean time to permit the said Andrew Cuthall his
Executor Administrators and assignees to occupy so
thereof as he now occupies be paying therefore the yearly
rent of Five pounds until the said Lease shall be granted
and whereas I intend to grant a lease to Mr Thomas
Waller (who has been a confidential clerk in my
office for many years)
of the House in Besborugh Street
near Vauxhall Bridge now occupied by him for the term
of Eighty years at the yearly rent of ten pounds as a token
of my appreciation of his faithful services and such lease is
course of preparation now I direct my Trustees and

Executors to grant such lease of the said House with the

appurtenances thereto to the said Thomas Waller his Executors administrators and assignees for his and their own use and
benefit in case I should happen to die before the lease
now in course of preparation is granted and completed

In witness thereof I have to this Codicil contained on one
sheet of paper set my hand this second day of December

one thousand eight hundred and fifty five/.

Signed published and declared by the Testator
Thomas Cubitt as and for a codicil to his last will
in the presence of us (present at the same time)
who in his presence at his request and in the presence[?}
of each other have [illegible] inscribed our names

as witnesses——-

Tho[ma]s Cubitt

Richard Bautey Bayley – 35 St Georges [illegible but probably 35 St Georges Drive/Row/Street, Pimlico]


James Hopgood – King Williams St
Strand. Sol