Listed Building Renovations
Preserving London’s heritage properties
Grade II listed buildings are a testament to our rich history and culture and hold a special place in our architectural heritage. Renovating such properties can be a complex endeavour, entailing meticulous planning, combining modern materials with old world charm, all whilst navigating the maze of strict compliance regulations set by each local council.
Preserving and enhancing period detailing is a critical part of any renovation project, and OLBC know exactly how to get the best out of a listed property or any period building. We understand that deciding what should be kept and what can be removed with integrity is not an easy task.
Understanding the Importance of Listed Buildings
Firstly, what does it mean for a building to be Grade II listed? In the UK, buildings are listed by Historic England to preserve their historic or architectural significance. A Grade II listing signifies that a building is of special interest and should be protected for future generations. This protection extends not only to the building’s exterior but also to its interior, any outbuildings, and even the curtilage (the land immediately surrounding it).
However much one loves the old, progress still has to be made. OLBC has the experience to achieve the balance, which is crucial. We not only apply for listed building consents, but also protect period features which are highly praised by property owners and are heavily marketed in estate agents’ prospectuses.
Works Carried Out on Listed Buildings
Listed building renovations can encompass a wide range of works, from structural repairs and roofing improvements to interior refurbishments. Each project is unique, and the specific works carried out will depend on the building’s condition and the owner’s vision. What remains consistent is the need for precision, attention to detail, and a commitment to preserving the building’s historic fabric.
We work with exceptional craftspeople from across the UK during listed building renovations making us the perfect choice for your project. If you have any specific concerns with regard to the safeguarding of any material of your property or require any advice on sensitive restoration or conservation work, please do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced team of experts who can provide you with guidance, recommendations, and a tailored plan to ensure the protection and preservation of your valuable assets.
While preserving the historic charm of a listed building is essential, it’s equally vital to incorporate modern materials that meet contemporary building standards. This blend of old and new is often challenging but necessary to ensure the longevity of the structure. Striking this balance requires a deep understanding of both traditional craftsmanship and modern construction techniques.
We are highly skilled in restoring period features, such as plasterwork, stained glass, eglomise glass, natural stone, cut brickwork, mosaic and specialist paint finishes or carpentry. We are passionate about modernising heritage properties with the latest technologies whilst maintaining, enhancing and restoring their architectural integrity.
Engaging with Local Authorities
Local authorities play a pivotal role in overseeing works carried out during listed building renovations. They work closely with Historic England to ensure that the renovations comply with heritage conservation principles. Regular communication with local planning officers, obtaining planning permissions from the outset and engaging with building control is essential to ensure a smooth renovation process. They can provide valuable advice and guidance throughout the project.
Criminal Offence: What You Need to Know
It’s important to note that carrying out unapproved work on a listed building can be a criminal offence. Local authorities and Historic England take breaches of planning permission seriously. Penalties can include fines and even imprisonment. To avoid such legal troubles, always seek professional guidance and adhere to the established processes.

OLBC’s Team of Experts
OLBC’s architect and designers have extensive expertise in gaining valuable Listed Building Consents. Please refer to our Planning Service for more information.
Rosie Caley is OLBC’s Design Director and a graduate of the Architectural Association where she studied the conservation and preservation of historic buildings.
Managing Director, Marc Stchedroff has been working on historic buildings for over twenty years and has gained a deep understanding of their structure and sensitive repair. Both Marc and Rosie’s expertise ensures that all restoration and alterations to older buildings are completed with sensitivity and authenticity.
Combining expert planning knowledge with specialist heritage construction skills, OLBC is the choice for a listed building renovation project. To learn more about how OLBC can help with your listed building renovation project, please get in touch via our email form, or speak directly to our team on 0208 877 0526.