Fourth Codicil to Thomas Cubitt’s will of 1855

Fourth Codicil to Thomas Cubitt’s will of 1855

NOTE – This has been transcribed by OCR and then by manual correction. This may not be an exact copy. You should carefully check the text against the original as there may well be errors from this method.


Page 13 (of the PDF bundle) 4th Codicil to Thomas Cubitt’s Will 2/12/1855

 This is a further Codicil being
the Fourth to the Will of me Thomas
Cubitt of Denbies near Dorking Surrey Esquire
Whereas since making my will and the
Codicils thereto I have given and assigned

to my Brother Lewis Cubitt certain Leasehold
messuages in the parishes of Saint John the
Evangelist Westminster and Saint Pancras both
in the County of Middlesex for his own use
and benefit and I think it unnecessary to
make any provision for the Daughters of my
said Brother. Now T
herefore I hereby – –
absolutely revoke all and every of the bequests
and provisions contained in my said Will.
And any Codicil thereto in favour of my nieces


Ellen, Agnes, and Ada the Daughters of my
said Brother But I hereby expressly declare
that the Gift of the before mentioned Leasehold

premises to my said Brother shall not prejudice
or affect the bequest and provisions in his favo[u]r

contained in my said Will In Witness whereof I

the said Thomas Cubitt have to this Codicil contained in
one sheet of paper set my hand this Eighth – day
of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty five.

Signed Published and Declared by
the Testator Thomas Cubitt as and for
a Codicil to his Will in the presence of us
(present at the same tine) who in his
presence at his request and in the
presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names as Witnesses

Tho[ma]s Cubitt

William [illegible] Dorking [illegible] [illegible]
James Hopgood  King William Strand Sol