Alfred Heaver – Applications to the Metropolitan Board of Works
It can be seen from this than an increasing amount of Board time was devoted to the works of Poole and Heaver!
This is by no means a definitive list of Heaver’s works as he did many other projects on the estates of others once the lands that had acquired were substantially developed.
We have edited the entries slightly so they are a bit more readable – we hope soon to be able to link them to the PDF version of the minutes that we have so you can see the exact original text. Unfortunately, OCR is far from perfect and copying and pasting these entries from the OCR has resulted in some jumbling of text.
5th December 1879….
on the application of Mr. A. Heaver, for the consent of the Board to the erection of houses, with shops, on the East and West sides of Falcon Lane, Battersea, and on the South side of Sheepcote Lane, between No. 8, Wayford Terrace and Falcon Lane, to the lines shown upon the Plan accompanying the application.
It was moved by Mr. Runtz, seconded, and resolved – That the application be not granted.
on the application of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation of a paved street,20 feet in width, with one entrance, to lead out of the South side of Tugela Road, Falcon Lane, Battersea.
27th February 1880
53. WANDSWORTH.- Read a Report by the Superintending Architect,dated 25th February, 1880,on the application of Mr. R. D. Hanson,on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for the consent of the Board to the erection of houses, with shops, on the East and West sides of Falcon Lane, Battersea, and the South side of Sheepcote Lane, between Wayford Terrace and Falcon Lane, to the line shown upon the amended Plan accompanying the application.
It was moved by Mr. Runtz, seconded, and resolved – That the application be not granted.
23rd April 1880
on the application of Mr. W. C. Poole, on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by theBoardofa Plan for the formation of a new street to lead out of the South side of Afghan Road, Falcon Lane, Battersea, and of the name ” Nepaul Square S.W.” for the same.
It was moved by Mr. Runtz, seconded, and resolved – That the application be granted, upon condition that no barriers be at any time erected or other obstructions caused to the free use by the public of the said street.
30th April 1880
on the application of Mr. A. Heaver, for the consent of the Board to the erection of houses, with shops, on the East and West sides of Falcon Lane, Battersea, and of houses on the South side of Sheepcote Lane, between No. 8, Wayford Terrace and Falcon Lane, to the lines shown upon the further amended Plan accompanying the application.
It was moved by Mr. Runtz,seconded,and resolbed- That the application be not granted.
10th December 1880
60. FULHAM.- Read a Report by the Superintending Architect, dated 10th December, 1880, on the application of Mr.W. C.Poole, on behalf of Mr.A.Heaver, for approval b y t h e B o a r d o f n a m e s f o r T e n n e w r o a d s p r o p o s e d t o b e f o r m e d o n t h e F u l h a m -p a r k Estate, situated between Eel Brook Common and Parson’s Green, the plan for which was approved by the Board on the 26th ultimo (No. 10).
It was mobed by Mr. Deputy Saunders, seconded, and resolved— That the application b e g r a n t e d , a n d t h a t t h e n a m e s ,” Ackmar Road , S . W . ,” “Irene Road , S . W . ” “Basuta Road, S.W.,” ” Campana Road,S.W.,” ” Favart Road,S.W.,” ” Delvino Road,S.W.,”, ” Parthenia Road, S.W.,” ” Elthiron Road, S.W.,’ ” Crondace Road, S.W.,” and ” Molesford Road,S.W. ,” be approved for the proposed roads.
26 November, 1880. Page 723
Your Committee have, in pursuance of the reference to them by the Board on the 12th instant (No. 64),considered the application of Mr. W. C. Poole,on behalf Mr. A. Heaver, for consent to the formation of certain roads on land joining Eel Brook Common, Fulham. The point referred for the consideration of your Committee was that access to the Estate proposed to be laid out is to be obtained from the King’s Road, across a strip of Eel-brook-common. Permission for this has, your Committee find, been secured by the Scheme prepared by the Inclosure Commissioners for the regulation ofthe C o m m o n ,and your Committee therefore see no objection to the Board approving of Mr. Poole’s application, and they recommend accordingly.
30 July,1880.
1880,on the application of Mr. A. Heaver,for the consent of the Board to the erection of three houses, with shops, on the East side of Falcon Lane, Battersea, between Afghan Road and Worcester Cottage ; and also of three houses on the West side of Falcon Lane, between Heaver Road and Mayfair Villas, to the line shown upon the further amended Plan accompanying the application.
It was mobed by Mr. Runtz,seconded,and resolved- That the application be referred to the Building Act Committee ,for consideration and report.
13th August 1880
The Board,on the 30th ultimo (No. 72), referred to your Committee the application of Mr. A. Heaver,for the consent of the Board to the erection of three houses,with
shops, on the East side of Falcon Lane, Battersea, between Afghan Road and Worcester Cottage; and also of three houses on the West side of Falcon Lane, between Heaver Road and Mayfair Villas, Wandsworth , to the line shown upon the further amended Plan accompanying the application. The proposed building lines shown on the amended Plan are still in advance of the existing buildings Southward, and the Wandsworth District Board object to the Plan.
Your Committee recommend – That the application be not granted.
13 August, 1880. Page 341
It was moved by Mr. Deputy Saunders,seconded,and resolved- That the application of Mr. A. Heaver, for the consent of the Board to the erection of three houses, with shops, on the East side of Falcon Lane, Battersea, between Afghan Road and Worcester Cottage; and also of three houses on the West side of Falcon Lane, between Heaver Road and Mayfair Villas, Wandsworth, to the line shown upon the further amended Plan accompanying the application, be not granted.
12th November, 1880.
6 4 ….On the application of Mr. W. C. Poole, on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation of new roads to lead out of the West side of King’s Road, between Eel Brook Common and Parson’s Green on the Fulham Park Estate.
26th November 1880
It was moved by Mr.Edwards, seconded, and resolved -That the application of Mr. W. C. Poole,on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation of new roads to lead out of the West side of King’s Road Fulham, between Eel Brook Common and Parson’s Green,on the Fulham Park Estate, be granted.
18th March 1881
It was moved by Mr. Runtz, seconded, and resolved – That the Superintending Architect be authorised to arrange with Mr. C. Poole, the Surveyor acting on behalf of Mr.Heaver, for the staking out of the boundary of Eel Brook Common, keeping to the line shown on the Plan referred to in the Scheme now before Parliament.
6th May 1881
71. WANDSWORTH.- Read a Report by the Superintending Architect, dated 4th May, 1881,on the application of Mr. W. C. Poole,on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and names of new roads to lead out of the South side of Lavender Hill, Battersea, on the Lavender Sweep Estate.
It was moved by Mr. Fowler,seconded,and resolved- That the application be referred to the Building Act Committee,for consideration and report..
20th May 1881
It was mobed by Mr. Runtz, seconded, and resolved – That the application of Mr. W. C.Poole, on behalf of Mr.A.Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and names of n e w roads to lead out of the South side of Lavender Hill, Battersea, on the Lavender Sweep Estate, Wandsworth ,be not granted.
The Board referred to your Committee on the 6th instant (No. 71) the application of Mr. W . C. Poole, on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and names of new roads to lead out of the Southside of Lavender Hill,
Battersea, on the Lavender Sweep Estate, Wandsworth. These new roads are each to be 4 0 feet wide, but one of them, marked Beauchamp Road on the Plan, is intended to lead into the existing St. John’s Road, which is of less width. The Wandsworth District Board are of opinion that some provision should be made for the widening of St. John’s Road.
Your Committee recommend – That the application be not granted.
24th June 1881
6 9 . W A N D S W O R T H .- R e a d a R e p o r t b y t h e S u p e r i n t e n d i n g A r c h i t e c t , d a t e d 2 2 n d J u n e , 1881,ontheapplicationofMr.W. C.Poole, on behalf of Mr.A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of an amended Plan for the formation of new roads to lead out of the South side of Lavender Hill, Battersea, on a portion of the Lavender Sweep Estate, and of the names “Bleisho Road,S.W.,” ” Hepsie Road,S.W.,” and “Beauchamp Road,S.W.”for the same; also for the widening of a portion of Saint John’s Road, in connection therewith.
It was mobed by Mr. Runtz,seconded,and resolbed- That the application be referred to the Building Act Committee for consideration and report.
Still need to search 1881-2 up to 1886-1 not searched as yet
29th April 1887
It was moved by Mr. Ewin,seconded,and resolved- That the application of Mr. C. Bentley,on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and name of a road to lead out of Lavender-hill, Battersea, be granted, on condition that no barriers be at any time erected or other obstructions caused to the free use by the public of the said road, and that the name “Mossbury Road,S.W.,” be approved for the same ; and that the applicant be informed that the sanction of the
Board applies to the formation of the road only,and not to the erection of any buildings on the land.
The Board,on the 4th ultimo (No. 84)referred to your Committee the application of
Mr. C. Bentley,on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and name of a road to lead out of Lavender Hill, Battersea. The
applicant, in compliance with a suggestion of your Committee, has submitted a Plan of
the Estate, with the plotting of the ground shown thereon. The plots for building
have a frontage upon Lavender-hill of about 18 feet by a depth of 50 feet. Those in
the proposed street, which is 40 feet wide throughout, will have a frontage of 15 feet by a depth of about 50 feet.
Your Committee recommend – That the application be granted, on condition that no barriers be at any time erected
or other obstructions caused to the free use by the public of the road, and that the name 66
Mossbury Road, S.W.,” be approved for the same ; and that the applicant be informed that the sanction of the Board applies to the formation of the road only, and not to the erection of any buildings on the land.
10th June 1887
47. The Clerk presented a Letter from Mr. C. J. Foakes, Clerk to the Vestry of Fulham, dated 4th June, 1887, transmitting an amended Notice requiring payment of the sum of £670 17s.11d.,being the estimated cost of and incident to paving works at Nos.46, 47 and 48, Crondace Road, and stating with reference to the Notice previously sent, respecting Favart Road, that a formal Notice of demand had been forwarded to the freeholder, Mr. A. Heaver.
It was moved by Mr.Edwards, seconded, and resolved – That the said Letter be referred to the Works and General Purposes Committee, for consideration and report.
4th March 1887
84. WANDSWORTH.- Read a Report by the Superintending Architect, dated 1st March, 1887, on the application of Mr. C. Bentley, on behalf of Mr. A. Heaver, for approval by the Board of a Plan for the formation and name of a road to lead out Lavender Hill,Battersea.
It was moved by Mr.Egerton, M.P.,seconded, and resolved – That the application be referred to the Building Act Committee ,for consideration and report.
Still need to search 1887-2 – 1889 volumes not searched as yet